2018 Achievement Awards | Accounting Marketing | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件

Rea’s Practice Growth Team Helps Shape ‘Great Profession,’ Takes Home Marketing Achievement Awards

2018 AAM-MAA | Marketing Awards | Ohio CPA Firm
Becca Davis (far left), director, practice growth, celebrates the annual Marketing Achievement Awards ceremony at the 2018 Association for Accounting Marketing Summit in Portland, Ore.

New Philadelphia – Accounting marketers from firms of all sizes across the U.S. traveled to Portland, Ore., earlier this month to attend the Association for Accounting Marketing’s (AAM) 2018 Summit. Our practice growth team was front and center at the event and was recognized with three awards for their marketing efforts throughout the year.

At the summit, the team networked and learned practical as well as innovative marketing tactics to help differentiate Rea in the marketplace.

“It was an opportunity to collaborate with our peers, subject matter experts and industry thought leaders in a way that educates, stimulates and motivates us to put the thoughts and ideas gained while attending the event into action at our own firms,” said Becca Johns, director of practice growth, Dublin. “At the summit, we learned how to be better accounting marketers, identify current and emerging industry trends and measure ourselves against the competition.”

Rea was recognized for our event marketing and philanthropic efforts. We took home the awards:

  • Best event with a budget less than $9,999
  • “We AAM to Serve” for our philanthropic efforts as a medium-sized firm
  • Rebecca Weiand, practice growth specialist, New Philadelphia, was named AAM’s Volunteer of the Year.

The team attended sessions geared toward marketing, public relations, content development, accountability, whole-firm engagement, crisis communications, capturing creativity with focus groups, client data mining, cross-selling and more.

“The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Think Fresh,’” said Johns, director of practice growth, Dublin. “All of the presentations encouraged innovation and a fresh approach. I left feeling inspired to shake things up and try things we’ve never tried before.”

Our marketers walked away with an understanding that to move the needle, Rea needs to approach those we serve and the services we provide, differently. “This means thinking about the vocabulary we use, how we sell our services and the way we work with our clients … or customers,” said Kanellakis.

The annual conference is a great learning experience, but, according to Davis, it doesn’t start and stop there.

“I’ve been an AAM member for 13 years, and from day one, I’ve been involved in the organization, and I encourage my team to do the same.” she said. “The conference on its own is incredibly worthwhile, but it’s the involvement throughout the year that really makes a difference. It’s rewarding to give back to the organization, build relationships and help shape the future of this great profession.”